
Sara Hall receives the Teaching Recognition Program award

Germanic Studies and Moving Image Arts professor Sara Hall receives the Teaching Recognition Program award. The TRP is UIC’s self-nominated, faculty-administered teaching award program who have documented their teaching excellence over the past three…

In/Between 2017 Call for Papers

The School of LCSL is delighted to announce the call for papers for our annual In/Between Conference, which will be held on March 9-10 2017. The keynote speaker is Susan Goldin-Meadow, Professor of…

Dr. Hall lecture at the Milwaukee Art Museum

Sara Hall, Professor of Germanic Studies and Director of Moving Image Arts, will give a lecture on German Expressionist Cinema at the Milwaukee Art Museum as part of their Preview Celebration for the Haunted Screens: German…

Article by Nicole Cardos on UIC News

Article on the Student Research Forum by Nicole Cardos, Minor in Moving Image Arts, has been featured on UIC News.

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